Every month, the National Federation of Independent Business
checks the pulse of small business owners like us. When you ask the question,
'How are things?' I'm going to tell you, 'I could always use more customers.'
We all answer that way. But, the NFIB says with more specificity that we're
really worried about recruiting talent, paying taxes, and managing insurance
more than we're worried about marketing ourselves.
In light of all the other business ownership challenges and
costs, we're faced with the decision to advertise. Or not to advertise.
Instead, every business owner should ask, 'Can I afford NOT to advertise?'
If you're in the enviable position that you have so many
clients you have to shut the door to new business, you're alone. Even Amazon
needs more customers.
Since we conclude you can't afford not to advertise, the
challenge is to find advertising value. The first part of any discussion of
value is to determine budget. Take 10 percent of your projected gross sales
times the markup percentage on your average sale. (Markup isn't margin, it's
your gross profit above cost. Margin is gross profit as a percentage of selling
price.) Subtract your business rent. This is your minimum marketing
budget. Do the same calculation on 12 percent of your gross sales. That's
your maximum marketing budget. Plug in an extra 20 percent more of the min and
max if you have not marketed yourself, your business or products before.
In the next five A
Little on Business Marketing segments we'll touch on affordable ways you
can reach customers, like Referrals, Mailings, Branding, Sponsorship, and
Traditional Advertising.
John Wanamaker, an entrepreneur at the beginning
of the last century, famously said, “Half the money I spend on advertising is
wasted. The trouble is I don't know which half.” Wanamaker's is the store he
founded. A building bears his name to this day in Philadelphia. More
importantly, his trouble of knowing 'which half was wasted' lead him to pioneer
marketing concepts like referrals and branding as the Father of Marketing. He
made sure he wasn’t wasting half any longer… are you?Photo: SergeyNevins, used with permission.
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